Closing November 2021

Lending Rules:

Welcome to the Avatar Lending Center!

Over the years, I have worked to maintain one of the LARGEST Lending Centers on Marapets. I have a large inventory of items and pets that are loaned to help each of you grow your avatar collections. A big Thank You for user contributions and donations. You are a big help to the success of this service. These individuals generosity can be seen on the Wall of Thanks!

I have broken up the Lending Center into four sections to assist you in better identifying what you need. Segmentation is broken out by Goals, Item Lending, Pet Lending, & Plate making.

Please note that lending is time consuming and I charge 2% Tip based on the overall value of the items being loaned. This allows me to continue acquiring items/pets to be used by you and others in the future.

Below are the asks I have of you when borrowing:

  1. You MUST MARAMAIL me first with a list of what you would like to borrow. (An example is provided below)
  2. Both of us need to be online during lending, unless I have agreed upon otherwise.
  3. Please return Items/Pets within 15 minutes. There can be exceptions depending on circumstances. Talk to me to work things out.
  4. You are held responsible for any Lost Items and must replace them. This includes sending back Items to the wrong player or having items bought out of shop for failure to be fast enough to claim an avatar.
  5. You may NOT send borrowed Items/Pets to another player.
  6. Finally, this is an obvious one but NO STEALING! I will have you reported.

Maramail Example:

Hi Spice,

I would like to borrow the following:

Item Lending
  • Alien Phone Book - 60k
  • Fild - 250k
  • Alen - 500k

Plate Making (Please note time needed in between plate making)
  • Moofle - 10k
  • Cremul - 30k
  • Gummi - 150k

  • Skater Pet - All avatars needed (1.205 mill tip)
  • Desert Pet - Minus Naga & Satyr avatars (110k)

I understand I am only borrowing the Items/Pets listed above and will return upon acquiring avatar and/or goal.

*Please note that there will be no breaking up of Lending Sets (ex: Pearls & Gumballs). If you only need a few items from a set that doesn't change the requested Tip. In addition, I do not lend minipets to make plates unless its for an avatar.